The Change Maker Community School Origin Story

Hi everyone, Megan the founder of HUMIFORM here. I wanted to share a story about the inspiration behind HUMIFORM and the Change Maker Community School. 

In 2014, I was working in a Grade 1 class as a teacher’s aide at a local primary school. After lunch one day, some of the students shared with me that they had started a nature club. They were so excited and told me all about what they had been doing. I asked them if they would like to make it a weekly thing and invite other people in the year level to join. They were very keen on the idea and Nature Club was born. Every week we dove into a new nature related topic and I was amazed at what they could understand and get excited about. 

The following year, I brought in an article that explained how tourists were injuring little penguins on the St Kilda foreshore by shoving their selfie sticks into the penguins’ burrows. The group was outraged. It sparked an investigation into the world of the little penguins. Nature Club decided to raise money to help microchip them to keep them safe, and they also created a video to educate their school community about these amazing creatures. It was astonishing to see how determined they were to make a difference!

Over the years, Nature Club has explored all kinds of topics including palm oil production, plastic pollution, bees, racism, gender equality, climate change, sustainable fashion and a whole lot more, all guided by the student’s interests. They’ve participated in National Tree Day, visited a recycling centre, written letters and met with local council, created campaigns to save wildlife, learnt from local groups like Roots and Shoots and Earthcare St Kilda, and Nature Club even met and presented to the incredible Dr Jane Goodall!

Photo taken by Phil Hines during Jane Goodall’s Australian tour with Roots & Shoots Australia

Photo taken by Phil Hines during Jane Goodall’s Australian tour with Roots & Shoots Australia

It has been an immense privilege watching them blossom into passionate change makers. They have allowed me to witness first hand the potential and capacity young people have to change the world when they are given opportunities to explore and connect with their impact, their community and the world.

Now, through the HUMIFORM Change Maker Community School, we are excited to make this experience available to more young humans who are eager to make a difference and shape a more sustainable and equitable future. Please get in touch to learn more!


Part 1: How ethical is your school uniform?


Change Maker of the Month - Georgia