A break from school is a perfect time to relax from the hectic year we’ve all had. But we can’t let that relaxation turn into laziness towards our sustainability. To keep you having a fun and eco friendly summer, we’ve prepared a list of activities for you to do.

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Among friends, organise a clothes swap at your house. All you need is for everyone to bring clothes that they don’t really wear or have grown out of and exchange them for tokens. Each token equals a piece of clothing and you and your friends can have fun trying things on and sharing stories. Create a beverage table and have space to hang clothes. A great way of mixing styles and socialising time. Just make sure that any clothing you bring is good quality.

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Summer is a perfect time to enjoy the beach with friends and family. Don’t you just love swimming and then - oh no! You nearly stepped on that can! Take a tote bag and tongs (or gardening gloves) and spend ten minutes picking up any rubbish you see, before you leave. If everyone did this, imagine how much cleaner our beaches would be.

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A little stretch and “No! I tore my favourite shirt.” doesn’t usually come with a positive feeling. But get creative and mend and embellish your clothing with some colour or embroidery. Look on the internet for ideas. Celebrate your garment’s fractures and flaws as stories of improvement and growth. For more information on mending visit HUMIFORM’s blog post Wear It Till It's Worn.

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Summer is a thriving time for vegetables such as carrots, zucchinis, cucumbers and strawberries. What a great time to get active in the garden. Plant flowers, fruit or veggies. Imagine eating homegrown salad and the accomplishment you’d feel. It’s also a great chance to use up your house’s compost instead of placing it in landfill. Green thumbs grow especially well in the summer sun.

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Pick a charity, make signs, create a product and set up your stand. If you’ve already done lemonade, explore other ideas. You could sell homemade t-shirt bags or plastic bottle succulent pots. You could even go further with a screening of a movie like ‘2040’. With whatever you choose make sure that your product doesn’t create any unnecessary waste.

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Instead of hitting Chadstone with your friends to buy cheaply made, new clothing, why not hit an op shop? Find a main road with multiple stores and discover the second hand wonders inside. It’s cheaper, more sustainable and you are open to a variety of styles.


Change Maker of the Month - Georgia


Taking Action and Live More Sustainably