Taking Action and Live More Sustainably

An animated image of three different humans cut off at the waist on a light yellow-green background. The human on the left has light brown skin, short brown straight hair and big hoop earrings. They are wearing a blue top and light green bottoms. Th…

At HUMIFORM we know that taking action on the issues you care about during a pandemic can be challenging. So over the next few months, we’re going to be sharing some resources to help you get started.



Conversations are such a powerful tool for taking action. They challenge the way we think, help us reflect on our values and beliefs and encourage growth and education. Although they can be difficult and sometimes uncomfortable, they can change the world. Here are some conversation starters for opening up discussion around sustainable production and consumption: 

  • Do you know who made your clothes? 

  • Do you know how many tonnes of water it takes to create your clothes? 

  • What are your school uniforms made out of/who made you school uniforms? 

  • How do you reduce your single use plastic use?

  • Do you know what fruits and vegetables are in season right now?

  • How do you and your family reduce your resource use?

  • Have you ever written to a brand and asked for more information about the products you wanted to buy or asked them to improve their practices?

  • How do you and your family reduce food waste?


Petitions are a great way to get behind an issue and show your support for the change that you want to happen. Here are some sustainable production and consumption petitions you might like to sign:

  • What She Makes - The women making our clothes often don’t earn enough to lift themselves out of poverty. This petition demands that brands pay their workers a living wage.

  • Call on brands to step up and protect the people who make their clothes during the global pandemic. Sign here.


Just buy less and…

  • Mend, fix and individualise the clothes already in your cupboard (more on this below).

  • Buy from op shops or second hand clothing stores such as Depop or Mutual Muse.

  • Swap clothes with your friends! 

  • Instead of buying new presents for friends, make them something. You can bake a cake, create a photo collage or write them a song/slam poem! 


When our clothes rip or tear we have a tendency to throw them away but there are lots of ways to extend the life of your garments through mending. Check out out these videos to start your mending journey:


If you are going to buy new things, purchasing from a social enterprise can be a great way to support local businesses doing good. We’ve listed a few of our favourites below:


When you ask brands and companies questions about how their products are made and whether or not people and planet are respected in the process, it lets the brands know that their customers care about these things. This encourages them to take action and do better. Fashion Revolution has put together a great resource to help you write to the fashion brands you shop from but we encourage you to contact your local cafes and restaurants, electronics companies, energy companies, the sky is the limit really!


Who doesn’t love getting together with friends to make a difference? Organising events around sustainability is a great way to introduce people to conversations around the issues you’re passionate about. Whether it’s with your friends, school community or even your family, coming together to chat, watch and create is a great way to facilitate continuous learning! Here are some event ideas for you to try out:

  • Documentary screening - make a night of it and watch a documentary that will change the way your friends see the world.

  • A clothing swap

  • A crafternoon tea - craft with a purpose. Check out the Craftivist Collective for inspiration.







Taking Action for Climate